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second life copybot viewer 55
In November 2006 controversy arose over a tool called CopyBot, developed as part of libsecondlife and was intended to allow users to legitimately back up their Second Life data. For a brief period, an unmodified CopyBot allowed any user to replicate SL items or avatars (although not scripts, which run only on the servers at Linden Lab). Later changes to the SecondLife protocols prevented unmodified copies of CopyBot from working. Nevertheless, the basic issue of users being able to duplicate content that is sent to them remains.
...which is also more intuitive and easier to find.Also in V1 interface I miss a lot the address bar (among other things), that comes very handy when I copy and paste slurs from an hunt page, for example, and many in other circumstances. When I see people pasting SLURs in public chat as workaround... well, it is sad, beside the fact that you are using again more clicks than the necessary and all other people around you will know where you are going. I changed viewer many times and for a long period I kept switching from Phoenix and V2 and Firestorm and vice-versa. In general I liked V2/3 interface more (and probably it makes the life easier for newcomers too), but I understand that exigences may vary, and what is good for somebody isn't necessarily as good for anyone; also who is used to V1 and is not very elastic in adapting to changes (i.e. old people or impaired), has a further obstacle. I like Firestorm approach, that lets the user to choose what suits s/he better: V1 or V2 style or a mix between the twos. And it is good that viewers such as Singularity can exist, offering a further choice. 2ff7e9595c